Curb Presidential Powers During National Emergencies

Curb Presidential Powers During National Emergencies

For far too long, presidents from both parties have claimed unchecked powers to declare national emergencies, ignoring Congress and the Constitution. This is in direct contrast to the vision and safeguards our Founders set up to protect our freedom. Congress has a...
Stop Congress from Stock Trading!

Stop Congress from Stock Trading!

Over and over, bills are introduced by our elected representatives on both sides of the aisle to prohibit members of Congress from trading individual stocks. The bills have been introduced under multiple names and have had different groups of co-sponsors. All have...
Stop Labeling Parents As Extremists

Stop Labeling Parents As Extremists

Our children need parents to stay united behind one goal—protecting them from the woke ideology being forced on them. TALK TO YOUR KIDS, keep attending school board meetings, be present in the school environment, pay attention to classroom instruction, and run for...