Two councils in England, UK, have seized and destroyed heaps of American candy products and drinks as they contain chemicals that are dangerous to human health.

More than 670 items were destroyed at an Oxford Street, London, candy stores, according to Food Safety News. The products included various cereals, potato chips and sodas containing artificial additives, colorings, and e-numbers banned throughout the UK. “Several chocolate bars were not labeled in English, meaning consumers could not check them for ingredients, shelf life dates, or allergens. Trading standards teams also uncovered Lucky Charms cereal, KitKats, Lion Bars, and a variety of bottled drinks, including Mirinda and Fanta, containing potentially harmful ingredients,” the report stated. (POLL: Do You Think That Social Media Platforms Should Be Regulated?)

Raiding American Products

“We are continuing to make the lives of unscrupulous traders a nightmare through regular enforcement action and putting pressure on landlords. More raids are coming in the next few weeks, so I hope traders who seem happy to sell illegal goods to children are ready for a fright,” Westminster City Council leader Adam Hug said in a statement.

In another instance, more than 750 items were removed from a shop in Staffordshire county. “Products confiscated included Mountain Dew, Dubble Bubble, Jolly Rancher gummies, and hard candy, all with ingredients not allowed in the UK, such as mineral oil, bleached flour, or colorants. Many soft drinks included Calcium disodium EDTA, an authorized additive but not permitted in flavored drinks in the UK,” the report continued. (POLL: Do You Prefer to Spend Time Indoors or Outdoors?)

Thousands of Banned Products

America is one of the wealthiest and unhealthiest countries in the world, due in large-part to the normalized use of unnatural products and chemicals in our food supplies. Many of these chemicals are put into our food supply at the source. Examples include ractopamine in meat, which is poisonous to humans and yet used to reduce fat content in meat, according to the Holistic Center.

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