Russia is reportedly plotting to use artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance cyber-attacks against Great Britain, a cabinet minister warned Monday (Nov. 25). 

British cabinet minister Pat McFadden warned at a NATO conference that Russia’s ability to use AI in cyber-attacks is gaining momentum, according to the Guardian. There is an apparent danger of AI being “weaponized against us,” McFadden told the conference. The ally-nation is already engaged in a “daily reality” of “cyberwar” against Russian hacking efforts. These attacks have “stepped up,” he added, particularly in the wake of the Biden administration’s approval of longer-range missile use against Russia. (POLL: Do You Think That Social Media Platforms Should Be Regulated?)

McFadden is apparently set to warn NATO allies that Russia is capable of turning the power off for millions of people across, thanks to sweeping energy grid vulnerabilities

Attacks Against Power Grids

Russia has conducted cyber-attacks on Ukrainian power networks in the past, though the country’s defences have improved. Two regional power outages in December 2015 and 2016 were blamed on Russian hackers from the GRU military intelligence, according to a US indictment, though the impact of each was brief,” according to the Guardian. (POLL: Do You Prefer to Spend Time Indoors or Outdoors?)

North Korea is also trending toward the use of more cyber hacks, presumably assisted with AI. New missions within British intelligence services are aimed at mitigating these potential attacks in the future. 

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