Thanks to our gradually collapsing financial system, more than one in three Americans needs to make money through a side hustle — a job you take on on-top of your regular work, according to Bankrate.

Roughly 36% of U.S. workers have a secondary form of income. While this might be a great way to explore passions, interests, and even make extra cash from a hobby, the sad reality is that most of us need a side hustle just to survive. Even though we keep being told that “inflation is cooling,” the cost of living is still astronomically high, and likely won’t ever go back down. (POPULAR POLL: Are You Trying A New Diet Or Eating Plan This Year?)

This terrible mismanagement of the economy by our elected officials over the last four years means most Americans who have a side hustle now, will always need one. “While it’s admirable that so many Americans are putting in extra time and effort on their side hustles, it’s unfortunate that most are doing so simply to fund their expenses,” says Bankrate senior credit card analyst Ted Rossman.

Young People Particularly Disadvantaged

Gen Z and Millennials are more likely to have a side hustle compared to their elder counterparts. Parents of young children are also more likely to have a secondary form of income compared to those without, suggesting we’re really lost track of our purpose on this planet — parents should be with their children, not struggling to survive. “Side hustles are a little less common this year than they were last year, but many Americans are still finding that one job isn’t enough. The cost of living has risen sharply in recent years,” added Rossman. (POPULAR POLL: Do You Typically Make Financial Resolutions In January?)

“Whether it’s a necessity or a means to your dream career, the enduring popularity of side hustles isn’t likely to fade any time soon. So long as people have the time and desire to meet more financial goals, they’ll put in extra hours to make it happen,” wrote Bankrate, completely missing the gravity of how detrimental it is to our future that people literally cannot survive and raise a family thanks to the shocking modern cost of living.

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