Did you know that the National Institutes for Health (NIH) has a budget of $48 billion to invest in healthcare research for the American people.

Almost 83% of NIH’s funding is awarded for “extramural research” through almost 50,000 competitive grants to some 300,000 researchers across 2,500 universities, medical schools, and other research institutions in every single U.S. state. This means the research studies are conducted somewhat independently, with 11% of the NIH budget supporting projects for some 6,000 scientists in NIH labs.

Most of these labs are in Bethesda, Maryland. The remaining 6% of the NIH’s budget goes to supporting administrative needs, construction, and other operating costs. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Support Universal Healthcare?)

How Do These Grants & Funding Work?

“The NIH provides financial support in the form of grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts to support the advancement of the NIH mission to enhance health, extend healthy lives, and reduce the burdens of illness and disability. We encourage submission of unique projects of high scientific caliber,” the NIH website reads, suggesting that the NIH only funds research projects its members feel are important.

In May 2024, data released by NIH at the request of Congress, revealed the organization was only investigating 324 research/disease areas. (TAKE A POLL: Are You Satisfied With the Quality of Healthcare You Receive?)

These included respiratory illnesses, the endocannabinoid system, HIV/AIDs, homelessness, lethal interventions, maternal health, and more. It is also estimated that Johns Hopkins University is awarded the highest number of NIH grants and funding of all higher academic institutions.

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