

In January 2024, members of the World Economic Forum decided that their definition of “misinformation” is one of the greatest threats to the world.

Analysis published by the Daily Caller detailed how WEF use “misinformation and disinformation” as euphemisms “used to describe subjects the establishment has deemed verboten.” In basic terms, WEF only wants us to have free discourse so long as it doesn’t threaten them or anyone else they like currently vying for total world domination. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Believe Remote Learning is As Effective As In-Person Learning?)

“Persistent false information (deliberate or otherwise) widely spread through media networks, shifting public opinion in a significant way towards distrust in facts and authority. Includes, but is not limited to: false, imposter, manipulated and fabricated content,” is the actual definition used by the unelected group of globalists.

Freedom Of Speech Is Their Biggest Problem

“The only ways to combat their problem with our free speech are almost too scary to discuss. Maybe you’ll end up like one British police officer who was convicted of making a joke in a private group chat. Social media channels already censor users who post things they don’t like. News censorship in Canada was said to be endangering wildfire evacuees in 2023, so what other catastrophes will be covered up?” the outlet continued. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Feel That Your Basic Needs (Food, Shelter, and Safety) Are Adequately Met?)

“The mind goes to “The Gulag Archipelago,” but perhaps with a more modern twist on the Soviet prison camps. If you share one too many memes about Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein, a white van might pull up outside your house, and disappear you into the night. Eventually we won’t be able to visit with our neighbors without fear of speaking out of turn.”

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