An Expat Insider report from InterNations found that roughly 52% say the U.S. has a dissatisfying cost of living compared to 39% who said the same of the rest of the world.

“The biggest financial barriers are the costs of housing, health care, and transportation, especially in areas without a robust public transit infrastructure where people must rely on cars. Only 31% of expats in the U.S. say they’re happy with their living expenses, versus 40% globally,” CNBC said of the data. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Believe the Economy is Improving Under the Current Administration?)

The U.S. ranked 35 out of 53 in the “best country for expats,” per data from more than 12,500 expats living all over the world. The report looks at quality of life, ease of settling in, working abroad, personal finance, and “expat essentials” like the ability to find housing and navigate the local language, CNBC noted.

Best For Work

The U.S. ranked high for the “working abroad” category. “Expats say the local business culture supports flexibility, and 65% of people are happy in their job, compared with 60% of people who feel the same way globally,” CNBC continued. “However, foreigners say American work culture isn’t great. Expats working full time in the U.S. say they work an average of 43.7 hours per week, versus the 42.5 hours global average. They also point to limited vacation time as a factor that negatively impacts their experience.” (TAKE A POLL: What Is the Most Pressing Political Issue Facing Our Country Today?)

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