
We’ve all heard of it. Some of us love it. Others can’t stand it.

Most of us have no idea what it is, where it comes from, or why it is such a huge part of American tradition. Thankfully, we here at Poll2Action are here to change that. It’s time to learn all about eggnog!

Where Does Eggnog Come From?

Most attribute the invention of eggnog to Medieval Britain, which is pretty crazy since Brit’s do not have the same traditional ties to this Christmas drink as us on the other side of the pond. The word “nog” or “noggin” is an old Gaelic term for “cup,” and a modern colloquialism for “head.” Somewhere in between, Brits used “nog” to describe a small quantity of alcohol (roughly a quarter pint), according to Britannica.

Though the first use of “eggnog” was in England, after the British settled in North America, it became a prevalent pastime. George Washington served eggnog to guests during his Christmas festivities. (POLL: Would You Rather Cook or Bake?)

So … What Even Is Eggnog?

What do you get when you mix beaten eggs, sugar, cream or milk with a dash of whiskey, rum, brandy, or cognac? Eggnog! (POLL: Do You Think That Social Media Platforms Should Be Regulated?)

When Washington served eggnog at his Mount Vernon home in Virginia, his recipe apparently included a whole tablespoon of sugar per egg. That’s enough to make Robert F. Kennedy Jr. start chanting “MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN!”

Britannica believes that eggnog became a far more prevalent drink in the U.S. versus the U.K. because of the relative abundance of ingredients here versus back over the pond … proving once again, that America is always #1.

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