Research published in December 2024 revealed that online shoppers can be “nudged” or manipulated into plant-based food selection.

“A lot of research has been done on point-of-purchase nudges, but that has been done in a physical setting. In this study, we look at that in the growing domain of online grocery shopping,” co-author Bhagyashree Katare said of the study. “It provides actionable evidence that small interventions can increase the selection of plant-based products or healthy products.”

Apparently the study found a link between including carbon footprint information on food labels, which led to an increased selection of plant-based options by 37%, one outlet analyzed.

Labels Are ‘Nudging’ Us

Providing information on food labels was found to be enough to “nudge” consumers toward the plant-based food options, begging this question: can the same logic be applied to foods that contain a high level of processed or synthetic chemicals? (LEARN MORE: Mental Health Is Core Goal For Many Americans In 2025)

“We are betraying our children by letting [food] industries poison them,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said in Nov. 2024, according to the BBC. Kennedy’s work is largely focused on targeting junk food, with the hopes of removing things like seed oils and synthetic dyes from many of our nation’s most popular snacks. “There are entire departments, like the nutrition department at the FDA … that have to go, that are not doing their job,” he said of the bodies tasked with governing our food supply. Surely one way to change this is to demand that food companies put the exact number or percentage of synthetic chemicals and other harmful materials on the label in a more meaningful way?

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