Ten years ago, a couple from Indiana planted 5,000 tiny pine and fir trees in the hopes they could create a future college fund for their grandkids from selling Christmas trees.

Bruce and Shawn Carpenter of Brown County planted the trees with the plan of letting them grow tall, sell them in the years to come, and use the proceeds to help their eight grandchildren get through their education, according to the Herald-Times. “As cold as it was, we didn’t get much traffic,” Shawn said of the first few days of business. “I think it was too cold for people to come out. The weather may be better this next weekend.”

Of the trees planted, the couple estimates roughly 1,000 made it to a sellable height. Disease was the main culprit, as the soil ended up not being too great for the trees. “We lost so many, since we let nature take its course,” she continued. “They do get mowed around every few weeks, and we watch out for bagworms in the summer.” (READ: Mom Attacked For Epic Christmas Savings & Support)

Family Helping Out

The Carpenter’s kids and grandkids have been helping chop the family trees down for the last three years. 2024 marks the first year the public are allowed into the land to saw down their own Christmas tree.

Of course, you can always have the Carpenters cut yours down too. “It’s whatever they want. We’ll cut or give them a saw to do it themselves,” Shawn added. (LEARN MORE: Billboard Staff Reveal Their Top 100 Christmas Songs)

One of the Carpenter’s trees is currently on display at the Columbus Regional Hospital. We’re not sure if there are multiple trees at the site, but at least one of them was apparently purchased by an executive — who also tagged another tree for next year!

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