While some people seem to think that clutter and mess fosters creativity within one’s life, the opposite is likely true, according to experts.
The relationship between the clutter around your home and your mental health is stronger than you probably realize. An example from VeryWellMind illustrates the issue excellently: how long do you spend looking for that one shirt, your keys, or that single item amongst the mess in your home? How many times a week, or even a day, do you tell yourself “I’ll organize this soon,” and never do?
Between the extra time you spend searching for things, and the frustration this fosters, you’re also living in a perpetual cycle of feeling like a failure — the results of your inaction are all around you, in the filth and clutter of your home. You might not consciously say this to yourself, but your subconscious feels it.
You Don’t Have To Hoard To Have A Problem
Most of us don’t need most of the stuff in our homes. That’s just a fact. Accumulating things, whether for practical, sentimental, or even style purposes is completely normal — and a fun way to show off your creative expression — there is a line. (POPULAR POLL: Have You Already Started Saving For Retirement?)
“In general, clutter is a collection of items that people accumulate in their homes and don’t necessarily use, but hold on to anyway.” Increased clutter can lead to high stress levels and make it harder to relax. It’s also been linked to difficulties with focus and relationships.
Removing Clutter
For some people, removing clutter is as easy as setting aside an afternoon to go through a room in your home. One of our team members here likes to almost lock herself in a room until she’s looked at every single item in there, and donated, discarded, or destroyed all the stuff she no longer needs. (POPULAR POLL: Do You Plan To Travel More In 2025?)
For others, decluttering is far more mental than practical. If you fit into this category, why not ask a friend or family member to help you? Sometimes it is easier to say goodbye to something when you have someone there to help you. Do you plan on decluttering in 2025?
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