As the price of eggs continues to dominate headlines, many people are turning to the most practical way to beat the grocery store: going directly to the source.

In rural communities, you can usually get a dozen eggs for as little as $3, but head to any grocery store in any city and you’ll consider taking out a second mortgage to make breakfast. Okay, we’re technically joking, but the price of eggs is insane right now!

To combat soaring costs, people are going directly to the source: chickens. Many HOAs and city ordinances stipulate that you can’t keep chickens in your yard. But as you know, every piece of legislation can change if you just use your voice.

1. Almost Free Eggs

Unless you’re raising chickens from chicks, laying hens are extremely affordable to keep. Sure, you may have to set up a coop and get a waterer, but that’s about all you’ll need to move your chickies in. One bag of feed will keep a couple of chickens happy for a long while, and table scraps also help keep costs low. Chickens will even eat fresh and cooked meat, all of which contributes to the production of everyone’s favorite breakfast item. If your yard is well fenced in, you can even let your chicken roam and eat bugs to their heart’s content!

2. Chickens Are Fun

While you probably thought this list would be all about the practical positives of owning chickens, the best thing is actually how fun chickens are. Each has its own unique personality, offering something different to your growing home. Whether they squark, buck, or cluck, you’ll be amazed how quickly you bond with your feathered friends.

3. Helps The Garden Grow

If you’re dealing with bugs, chickens are a great way to cut down on insecticides. A single chicken can debug a 120-square-foot garden in about a week, according to Grubbly Farms. Thanks to their rustling around, chickens also break-up insect larva and disease in the soil, which is particularly good for tackling June bugs. (USE YOUR VOICE: Do You Think George Washington Would Like the America We Have Today?)

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