Many states are currently deliberating whether or not to make displaying the Ten Commandments a mandatory practice in public schools, as well as including their historical importance as part of the core curriculum.

South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and other local jurisdictions are all contemplating whether or not to display the Ten Commandments in public schools, while also teaching their historical significance to America as part of the core curriculum. If passed, most of these bills would require a roughly eight by 14-inch poster of the Ten Commandments in all classrooms, accompanied by a three-part statement explaining the importance of their influence over America’s foundation.

The educational portion of the legislation requires history and civics classes to include lessons on the Ten Commandments “as a historical legal document, including the influence of the Ten Commandments on the legal, ethical, and cultural traditions of Western civilization.” (POPULAR: Digital ‘Nudging’ Pushes Shoppers To Plant-Based Food)

What Are The Ten Commandments?

I am the Lord Your God … You Shall Love the Lord God With All Your Might

You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me.

You Shall Not Use the Name of the Lord God in Vain

Remember the Lord’s Day and Keep It Holy

Honor Your Father and Mother

Do Not Murder

Do Not Commit Adultery

Do Not Steal

Do Not Lie

Do Not Covet Your Neighbor’s Wife or What Your Neighbor Has

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