

Colorado voters have the opportunity in November to decide whether law enforcement should receive $350,000,000 to support recruitment, training, and retention of police officers in the state.

Proposition 130 was brought to Colorado’s voter base through a signature-gathering effort by conservative groups, and is regarded as quite different to most legislation brought before elected officials, according to the Daily Sentinel. Most propositions asking for increased funding of public services come with the request that voters spend their own money on the effort, usually through increased taxes or bond issues.

Proposition 130 does not authorize new taxes or borrowing. Instead, the legislation leaves the decisions up to lawmakers on how to distribute the $350,000,000 and where to cut funding elsewhere in the state. (POLL: Should the Government Reduce Regulations on Businesses?)

‘Back The Blue’

Supporters of Proposition 130 apparently see it as a “Back the Blue” initiative. In recent years, “defund the police” movements had led to widespread underfunding and cuts to law enforcement. Staffing levels for officers fell to a 30-year low in 2022, when adjusted for population, the Daily Sentinel noted.

Many cities and towns have witnessed a significant increase in crime in recent years. Colorado spends more on law enforcement than many other states, but has fewer officers per capita today than in the 1990s and early 2000s. (POLL: Is the Federal Minimum Wage Too Low?)

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