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Prescription drug prices have been on the rise, and while consumers can often feel that they have no control, there are options to help people save money and keep their peace of mind. Online pharmacies like Healthwarehouse.com have filled the gap between consumers and their prescriptions by cutting out the middlemen that typically create more red tape and an increase in cost. Americans feel as if they are back in the driver’s seat and are empowered to navigate the complexities of healthcare with their personal lifestyle.

When Everyone (But You) Gets a Cut

The complicated system of drug pricing, insurance coverage, and rebates all contribute to a continued increase in cost to the consumer. Drug manufacturers often negotiate discounts and markdowns with insurers and pharmacy benefit managers. Doctors are rewarded with promotions (e.g. an all-inclusive cruise) if they prescribe a drug to enough patients. Unfortunately, these perks often do not reach the end of the line for the consumer.

How does HealthWarehouse.com sell prescription medications so cheaply?

Healthwarehouse.com can keep their prices low by removing layers of cost between the manufacturer and the end consumer (you). By ordering directly from the manufacturer, Healthwarehouse.com can cut out several levels of middlemen, and as an online pharmacy they aren’t inconvenienced with the heavy overhead costs of traditional pharmacies. The result is that they can secure lower costs than their competitors and they actually pass the savings on to you.

Insurance companies are one of those middlemen that cause inflation within the pharmaceutical industry. By not accepting Insurance, Healthwarehouse.com is able to sell medication at incredible prices. Their costs are so low that prescriptions are often less expensive than standard copays for the same medication.

Many customers choose to pay out of pocket and then process insurance claims themselves. This allows those customers to take advantage of great pricing, and still receive reimbursement from the insurance company. If this is something you are interested in, please speak to your insurance provider first for more information.

Find Out Today If Switching to an Online Pharmacy is Right for You

Pharmacies must be fully licensed and accredited to operate online. HealthWarehouse.com has been accredited by the National Association of Board of Pharmacy® (NABP®) for Digital Pharmacy and is licensed / accredited with all 50 State Boards of Pharmacy. Check out their site for more information or give their Customer Support team a call at 1-800-748-7001 to learn if switching to an online pharmacy is the right move for you. Today is the day to take back control of costly prescriptions for you and your family.

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