Should Age Impact A Presidential Eligibility?

Should Age Impact A Presidential Eligibility?

A recent Siena College poll, highlighted by the New York Times, illustrates a growing concern among Americans, including Democrats, regarding President Joe Biden’s age and its impact on his capability to serve effectively. With 73% of Americans and 61% of...
Is Mental Capacity Key for Presidency?

Is Mental Capacity Key for Presidency?

The recent poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research paints a challenging picture for President Joe Biden, with a significant portion of the American populace questioning both his mental capacity to continue serving in his role and his...
What is the Top U.S. issue today?

What is the Top U.S. issue today?

In a recent episode of “FLASHPOINT,” Million Voices CEO John Graves and LTC. Allen West explored the intricate landscape of U.S. politics. They agreed that the divide isn’t necessarily between Democrats and Republicans but between two opposing...
Should Trump Be Banned From Ballots?

Should Trump Be Banned From Ballots?

Illinois Judge Tracie Porter barred former President Donald Trump from appearing on both the state’s Republican primary and November election ballots, citing the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment. This ruling is currently delayed, pending an anticipated...
Next GOP Leader After McConnell?

Next GOP Leader After McConnell?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell announced his retirement from leadership in January 2025, marking the end of a historic tenure as the longest-serving Senate party leader in U.S. history. McConnell, who celebrated his 82nd birthday recently, cited the time for a...
Could Strong Border Security Prevent Tragedy?

Could Strong Border Security Prevent Tragedy?

The tragic story of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student murdered on the University of Georgia Campus, has ignited a fierce debate around immigration policies and government responsibility. The suspect, Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela,...