Thoughts on Speaker Mike Johnson’s Views?

Thoughts on Speaker Mike Johnson’s Views?

In a recent interview with Newsmax, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson criticized President Joe Biden’s performance in office, comparing it unfavorably with President Donald Trump’s term. Johnson highlighted differences in the economy, international...
Should Intelligence Agencies Shape Politics?

Should Intelligence Agencies Shape Politics?

There is a concerning trend among U.S. voters, with over half believing that intelligence agencies are attempting to influence the 2024 presidential election’s outcome. This sentiment is compounded by allegations of the intelligence community’s misconduct...
Will Countering China limit U.S. Influence?

Will Countering China limit U.S. Influence?

The Countering Communist China Act introduced by House Republicans aims to address the growing concerns regarding China’s military aggression and economic maneuvers that are deemed threatening to American sovereignty. With proposals to restrict investments,...
Top Priority in the 2024 Election?

Top Priority in the 2024 Election?

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has concluded her presidential campaign following the Super Tuesday results, where former President Donald Trump dominated. Despite her campaign’s efforts, Haley only secured a relatively small number of delegates compared...
Opinion on Trump’s 2024 Ballot Inclusion?

Opinion on Trump’s 2024 Ballot Inclusion?

In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that states cannot exclude former President Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential election ballots. This ruling came just before Super Tuesday and marks a significant moment in ensuring all states...