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Mike Johnson vs Kevin McCarthy
The new House Speaker, Mike Johnson, from the Louisiana Republican party, shared his experiences on assuming office mid-session.
Would you consider homeschooling?
The rise in homeschooling is a trend affecting all areas of the U.S., cutting across economic and regional lines. Parents are gravitating towards homeschooling.
Should NYC be worried about Pro-Palestinians?
A pro-Palestinian activist group known as Within Our Lifetime used its considerable social media influence to share a map pinpointing key New York City.
Gen Z same-sex marriage support has declined
Support for same-sex marriage among Gen Z has plummeted, astonishingly aligning their perspective more with the Baby Boomers.
Do you believe Joe Biden and Xi Jinping?
There is a rising concern among experts regarding the recent meeting between President Biden and Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping.
Are pro-Palestinian protests harmful?
A disturbing scene unfolded at the Democratic National Committee offices as pro-Palestinian protestors locked horns with law enforcement in a violent clash.
Do you agree with Senator Joe Manchin?
In a shocking revelation, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin criticized President Biden as not being the centrist leader he was believed to be.
Are mass demonstrations effective?
The protest at the National Mall was an awe-inspiring demonstration of unity against antisemitism and in support of Israel.
Senator Joe Manchin’s retirement
Sen. Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, has decided not to seek reelection in 2024, leaving open a crucial Senate seat.
Consistency within President Public Speeches
The President’s recent flub during the 2023 Stanley Cup winner’s ceremony, confusing the National Hockey League with the National Football League.
Would you consider a less-known vacation spot?
Imagine stepping away from the bustling city life, crowded tourist destinations, and the all-too-familiar routine. Countless unexplored destinations in the US.
Immigrants using airports as housing?
The Biden Administration is considering using airports to create illegal immigrant camps across America, according to the Washington Stand.