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Can Holocaust in School Help Combat Ignorance?
A recent YouGov poll data reveals a troubling trend among American youth – a significant proportion believe that the Holocaust is a ‘myth’.
Unlock Millions of Dollars in Cash Assistance with USA Assistance Guide
Are you struggling to make ends meet? Or are you a single parent struggling to provide for your children? Whatever your circumstances, financial support is available to you in the form of cash assistance programs. The United States government offers millions of...
Will you consider subscribing to Tucker Carlson’s new streaming service?
Tucker Carlson, known for his roles at Fox and The Daily Caller, is launching TCN, a new streaming service. This platform, costing $9 a month.
What is Your Opinion on Gerrymandering?
New York’s high court has ordered a congressional map to be redrawn, a decision that appears to favor Democrats. This move has the potential.
What’s the Cause of Drop in Life Expectancy?
The United States is witnessing a worrying decrease in life expectancy, described as ‘catastrophic’ by the Food and Drug Administration commissioner.
Is Climate Change to Blame for Recent Disasters?
The states of Tennessee and Kentucky experienced devastating disasters in mid-December, which resulted in the loss of six lives, including two children.
Should Meta Reform its Content Policies?
Meta, the overarching company for dominant social media platforms, stands accused of prioritizing obscene content over the voices of individuals.
Is Foreign Funding to U.S. Colleges A Risk?
Our investigation reveals that U.S. colleges and universities are increasingly influenced by foreign powers seeking to undermine our democratic principles.
Credit America: Get up to a $1,000 Credit Line!
If you're struggling with debt and constantly getting denied for credit, you're not alone. Many people face financial difficulties at some point in their lives, whether it's due to unexpected medical bills, job loss, or overspending. But don't despair – there is a...
Will You See, “The Shift” from Angel Studios?
In the profound film “The Shift,” actor Neal McDonough embodies Lucifer, a role that significantly altered his life. The movie traces the journey.
Should the Government Stop Monkeypox’s Spread?
Everyone is nervous as we head into the coming election year of 2024. Any God-fearing American remembers the panic, tyranny, and dystopian nature of the COVID-19 pandemic
Should State Laws Be Implemented For Children?
In the wake of recent alarming developments where explicit content has infiltrated our children’s educational curriculum.