Browse Petitions
Should the Voting Age Be Lowered to 16?
Lowering the voting age to 16 could empower younger citizens to have a say in shaping their future through the democratic process.
‘Dying Empire’: Young Americans Despair Over Politics
A poll published in May 2024 detailed how young Americans overwhelmingly see politicians as corrupt, and that their generation.
Is Comprehensive Childcare Support Vital For Ensuring Workforce Participation and Economic Stability?
By providing accessible and affordable childcare options, we can ensure that parents are able to engage fully in their careers,
State Economies Worse Due To Childcare Costs
A report published in June detailed how the rising cost of childcare in Colorado is leading to additional pressure on employers.
‘Financial Ruin To Live’: Citizens Speak On Debt Forgiveness
A 2024 survey from the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
Should Student Loan Forgiveness Be a Priority in Economic Reform Policies?
Undoubtedly, prioritizing student loan forgiveness in economic reform policies is critical to alleviating financial burdens.
States Ranked On Economic Strength: Where Does Yours Fall?
A study published in June by WalletHub revealed the overall rankings of each 50 states and the District of Columbia in terms of their economic health.
Do You Trust Current Political Leaders to Make the Right Economic Decisions for the Future?
The burning question is, do you trust today’s political leaders to steer our economy toward a prosperous future, or are we headed for disaster?
Is It Time To Re-Evaluate Our Approach To Student Loan Debt and Its Impact on the Economy?
It’s imperative that we reconsider our approach to student loan debt as its crushing burden threatens both individual financial futures.
Student Loan Debt Soars Into The Trillions
An analysis recently released by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) argued that federal and private student loan debt in the U.S.
Father’s Day – Did You Remember to Tell Your Dad Happy Fathers Day?
Amidst our busy lives, it’s essential to pause and remember to tell our dads just how much they mean to us on Father’s Day.
Do You Know These Incredible Father’s Day Facts?
Happy Father’s Day 2024! Did you know that this widely celebrated international holiday is actually a fairly modern American-made tradition? The third Sunday.