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Thousands Out Of Work, Cost Increases Plague One State. Why?
Thousands of people have lost their jobs while prices soar at California’s fast food restaurants following Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s decision..
Is Increasing the Minimum Wage to $15 Per Hour a Good Economic Policy?
Increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour could uplift many workers out of poverty, but it also raises concerns about potential job losses.
Do You Support the Idea of a Four-Day Workweek to Enhance Work-Life Balance?
Adopting a four-day workweek could significantly improve employees’ work-life balance and overall well-being. Do you support it?
Why People Support 4-Day Workweeks
Did you know that 30% of large U.S. companies and organizations are looking at shifting to a four-day workweek? Data analyzed by Forbes.
Do You Like to Workout?
Do you like to workout? Engaging in regular workouts can significantly improve your physical health and mental well-being.
Trillions Of US Dollars To Be Spent On Obesity
A new report from the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) found that obesity will cost the U.S. in excess of a trillion dollars over the coming decade.
Do You Consider Yourself a Tech Guru?
Being a tech guru means staying ahead of the curve with the latest innovations and effectively navigating the digital landscape.
US Billionaire Eyes TikTok Takeover
American real estate billionaire Frank McCourt is reportedly thinking about purchasing the social media platform TikTok. McCourt is best known…
Should the Voting Age Be Lowered to 16?
Lowering the voting age to 16 could empower younger citizens to have a say in shaping their future through the democratic process.
‘Dying Empire’: Young Americans Despair Over Politics
A poll published in May 2024 detailed how young Americans overwhelmingly see politicians as corrupt, and that their generation.
Is Comprehensive Childcare Support Vital For Ensuring Workforce Participation and Economic Stability?
By providing accessible and affordable childcare options, we can ensure that parents are able to engage fully in their careers,
State Economies Worse Due To Childcare Costs
A report published in June detailed how the rising cost of childcare in Colorado is leading to additional pressure on employers.