

Like many people in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election, you might be asking: what is campaign finance reform?

Campaign finance reform is defined as “a movement, fueled in recent decades by political candidates’ increasing dependence on expensive television advertisements, to restrict the amount of money that individuals and interest groups can contribute to political campaigns. Although limits have been placed on individual contributions, a loophole has been left for political action committees.

“Both parties pay lip service to the principle of campaign finance reform, but neither fully supports it. Some liberals see it as the best way to secure the independence of politicians from moneyed interests; some conservatives view it as a threat to freedom of speech.”

But is this definition an accurate representation of how our leaders from both political parties feel about campaign finance reform? (TAKE A POLL: Do You Believe the Government is Doing Enough to Create Jobs?)

Here’s what a 2024 NYT article said …

“In a series of recent decisions that are remaking the landscape of money in American politics, an ascendant new bloc of three Republicans and one Democrat is voting together to roll back limits on how politicians, political parties and super PACs raise and spend money,” the New York Times wrote in June. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Think Advancements in Technology Will Lead to Greater Economic Inequality?)

“Reform groups are aghast at what they see as the swift unraveling of longstanding restraints. Conservatives who for years have dreamed of loosening restrictions are delighted, even though many of the rulings were sought by one of the Democratic Party’s most prominent attorneys, Marc Elias, who was seeking political advantage and clarity for his clients.”

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