Many Christians have a problem: we focus on helping others and often forget to take care of ourselves. We can only help others effectively when we are whole. What are the best ways to get back in tune with yourself?

“Clinically, self-care involves anything someone might do for the sake of their own physical or mental health, like eating well, exercising, or sleeping for eight hours a night. These things are great, but something is missing. None of them address a person’s heart or what may be causing their stress,” writes Derrick Puckett for Redeemer City to City. “They are all good habits, but we also tend to treat them as diversions. All too often, we reduce self-care to a diversion from reality rather than truly caring for ourselves.” (POPULAR: Have You Tried A New Fitness Activity (e.g., Yoga, Pilates, Crossfit) This Year?)

We scoured the internet and came up with the following list to help you get started on your journey to self-care as a Christian. It all starts in one very obvious place: The Bible.

How To Do Self-Care, Christian-Style:

  • Read your Bible; we’re sure you’ll come across some very useful passages for whatever you’re experiencing
  • Practice intentional prayer*
  • Spend time alone
  • Keep up with your needs, even simple things like eating a proper meal
  • Keep the Sabbath holy**
  • Surround yourself with positive people who love God
  • Get into nature
  • Set your priorities correctly (practical and mental)***

“Simply stated, we cannot give what we don’t have. If we are used up and burned out, it will be difficult to serve in any sort of helpful way. Yet, Christian Self-Care is far different than the counterfeit methods the world offers,” says Lindsey Zitzmann. “Those things may refresh, satisfy, and bring temporary relief and comfort, but they don’t last. They are empty solutions.” (TAKE A POLL: Are You Focused On Improving Your Sleep Habits This Year?)

How Do You Feel?

Take action by using your voice today. Did you know that lawmakers, business leaders, and even public servants use polling data to inform their policies and practices? These might seem like simple questions, but answering them can have far-reaching impacts on the world around you.

Don’t let your voice be lost in the ether of the Internet! Take control and take back your power today by signing up to take a poll — take all of them if you like!


  • *https://redeemercitytocity.com/articles-stories/biblical-self-care
  • **https://muddlingthroughagain.com/biblical-rest-self-care/
  • ***https://www.lindseyzitzmann.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-christian-self-care/
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