An article published in Dec. by WCCB Charlotte detailed the main mistakes people make during the annual holiday parties. Some of these tickled us, so we thought we’d share them with you today.

The biggest blunder is always drinking too much, leading to inappropriate dancing, flirting with coworkers, or even oversharing and engaging in personal gossip, WCCB explained. Whether it’s a work function or a friendly get-together, none of the above are a good look, and neither is “unfiltered opinions,” according to the outlet (we tend to disagree … why not partake in some big free speech?). (POLL: Do You Enjoy Traveling During the Holidays?)

Party Etiquette

WCCB also warns against arriving with an uninvited plus-one, which can cause so many headaches for hosts. It’s always awkward when the +1 is a casual acquaintance and the party is more aimed at close friends. There’s nothing worse than looking back at old Christmas photos and going “who is that person again?” and remembering some random girl your husband’s best friend was dating casually at the time (spoiler: it didn’t last).

The only thing worse than showing up with an annoying, uninvited plus-one is not showing up at all — unless you text or call to let the host know. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Love Holiday Food?)

Then there’s the post-party stuff … like loading up on leftovers. This is arguably one of the most “desperate” moves, according to WCCB. This is followed by posting pictures on social media. Always check with everyone in the photo before you post!

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