A video shared by Tucker Carlson on YouTube showed him taking part in a panel at a cryptocurrency conference in July, where he gave an impassioned speech how the importance of privacy in securing freedom.

“You know where there is privacy and secrecy in great abundance?” Carlson asked the crowd. “The federal government, which has classified over a billion documents describing what they’re doing with our money, in our name. This is our government. And yet they have every right to keep key decisions from us … they just allowed the presidential candidate to get shot, and we’re not allowed to know how that happened or why. So to take a lecture from them about how I’m a criminal because I want privacy in my financial transactions or my phone calls or my text messages, really?”

Carlson was so enraged by the situation he cursed at the situation, essentially saying it is unacceptable for the government to demand access to our privacy and data when they’re using our tax dollars to hide the truth from us. (TAKE A POLL: Is Faith Integral to Your Understanding of Ethics and Morality?)

Tucker Apologizes

“I’m sorry to use profanity, but that makes me so mad,” he added. “Like that’s prima facie evidence of a crime. You haven’t even declassified the Kennedy assassination files 61 years later, and you’re lecturing me about wanting to have an encrypted text conversation? How dare you! You work for me! You should be in prison.” (TAKE A POLL: Do You Read Religious Texts Often?)

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