A new report from the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) found that obesity will cost the U.S. in excess of a trillion dollars over the coming decade, Newsmax reported in June.

Members of the JEC found in 2023 that obesity will end up costing U.S. taxpayers (via the federal government) some $4.1 trillion over the next decade. Flash forward just one year, and that number has increased to anywhere from $8.2 trillion to $9.1 trillion. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Trust Current Political Leaders to Make the Right Economic Decisions for the Future?)

What Is The Answer?

Newsmax noted that the data shared by the JEC doesn’t include new drugs, such as Ozempic. These drugs were initially developed to help people fighting diabetes, but they’ve since been popularized as an extreme weight loss option. “These new medications have the potential to be a game changer for obesity, with 12% of adults reported taking them, according to a recent survey by health care policy think tank KFF,” Newsmax noted.

These drugs don’t help your body learn how to become healthy. Instead, they target caloric intake, which is typically reduced by 20% to 30% each day. The only complaint people have about these drugs (other than the potentially damaging side effects) is that they’re too expensive. (TAKE A POLL: Are You Concerned About the National Debt and Its Implications For Future Generations?)

“If prices fall enough to where it becomes cost-effective for the federal government to cover these drugs, GLP-1s could drastically improve the nation’s overall fiscal situation, while ensuring Americans live longer, healthier lives” the KFF report stated.

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