The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) published their top-tips for picking out and caring for your perfect Christmas tree in 2024 via KFVS, Tuesday.

Picking out a Christmas tree isn’t as simple as spotting the prettiest in the patch, apparently. MDC told KFVS the first thing you should consider is picking a freshly cut plant; but how do you tell when a tree was cut down? Simply shake it! If a few needles fall off, that’s normal. If a lot falls off, that tree ain’t fresh. If you want to be sure your tree will stay fresh throughout the Christmas season, considering purchasing a live evergreen. The best thing about these glorified pot plants is once the season is over, you can simply plant it in your backyard! (TAKE A POLL: Do You Enjoy Drinking Eggnog?)

Caring For Your Tree

Water is a tree’s best friend and worst enemy. “The MDC says when you bring your tree home the first thing you should do is cut a half inch off of the bottom of the trunk and place it in a tree stand full of water. They also say to check the water level frequently and [n]ever let the water fall below the bottom of the tree,” the outlet noted.

Placing your tree away from heating vents, wood stoves and fireplaces is another great way to help it endure being indoors. Heat sources like this can dry out your tree, which no one wants! “They also say you should check to see that all lights have cords that are not worn or frayed and never leave the lights on when you leave the house or go to bed,” KFVS added. This is a serious fire hazard! (TAKE A POLL: Do You Celebrate Christmas?)

Then again, you can always be like one of our team members who went to a local charitable store and picked up her Christmas tree for $15. According to her, “it’s cute and it’ll last forever.”

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