A study published in November 2023 argued that liberal women aren’t actually as worried about climate change as many claim to be.

“To the extent that climate-change worry predicts fertility attitudes and behaviours, it may work more as a rationalization for having kids later in life than as motivating actually having fewer children,” demographer and Cardus Senior Fellow Lyman Stone said of a report from the organization. Only 28% of women under the age of 30 named climate change as a concern when it came to their family planning.

Even those who claimed climate change was a concern did not show a significant difference in fertility. (TAKE A POLL: Is the Two-Party System Beneficial for American Democracy?)

What Else Was Uncovered?

Cardus surveyed 2,700 Canadian women and found that more than half of those who are nearing the end of their reproductive years wish they had more children than they already did (at the time of the study). (TAKE A POLL: Should the Government Provide Financial Support to Struggling Industries?)

Some 17% of women under the age of 30 cited over population as an influence in their family planning process. “Women who expressed worry about climate change also generally had lower fertility ideals, a smaller reduction in fertility intentions, and no significant difference in actual fertility behaviours compared to those who did not have this worry. This suggests that climate-change worries are not a major determinant of Canadian fertility behaviours,” the authors wrote in a summary.

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