A study conducted in 2022 found that 45% of Americans think this should be a “Christian Nation,” but they couldn’t quite decide on what that means.

“Most U.S. adults believe America’s founders intended the country to be a Christian nation, and many say they think it should be a Christian nation today,” Pew Research Center wrote in their 2022 analysis. But the survey also found a big difference between what people think of as a “Christian Nation” and “Christian Nationalism.” (TAKE A POLL: Do You Attend Weekly Religious Services?)

Christian Nationhood

“Many supporters of Christian nationhood define the concept in broad terms, as the idea that the country is guided by Christian values. Those who say the United States should not be a Christian nation, on the other hand, are much more inclined to define a Christian nation as one where the laws explicitly enshrine religious teachings,” Pew wrote.

Six in 10 U.S. adults and seven in 10 Christians believe our Founding Fathers wanted the U.S. to be Christian. But there are reservations on how people define “Christian nationalism.” (TAKE A POLL: Should Government Officials Be Allowed to Express Religious Beliefs Publicly?)

Christian Nationalism

“Altogether, 45% say they have heard at least a little about Christian nationalism. These respondents received a follow-up question asking whether they have a favorable or unfavorable view of Christian nationalism. (Those who said they had heard nothing at all about the term were not asked for their opinion on it.) Far more people express an unfavorable opinion than a favorable one (24% vs. 5%), though even among respondents who say they have heard at least a little about Christian nationalism, many don’t express an opinion or say they don’t know enough to take a stance,” Pew noted.


A third of respondents who were Christian said “being patriotic” is essential to being Christian. “Christians from all backgrounds are instead much more likely to rank believing in God, living a moral life, and having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as “essential” elements of Christianity,” Pew added. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Read Religious Texts Often?)

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