Data collated and published by Pew Research in December 2023 detailed how people practice their faith and spirituality in the U.S.

The survey asked respondents about things like meditations, spending time in nature, as well as other spiritual practices, like spending time looking inward or centering themselves with something bigger. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Support the Idea of a Four-Day Workweek to Enhance Work-Life Balance?)

Pew Research found …

  • 14% of Americans say they are involved in a spiritual community, including 8% who say they’re involved in a spiritual community and that it’s extremely or very important to them.
  • 36% have a cross for spiritual reasons. Fewer say they possess jewelry (19%), crystals (12%) or a tattoo or piercing (9%) for spiritual purposes. Religiously unaffiliated Americans are more likely than religiously affiliated adults to own crystals for spiritual purposes.
  • 64% of U.S. adults say they spend time each month looking inward or centering themselves. Most of them – 44% of all U.S. adults – say they do this primarily to feel connected with their “true self,” with something bigger than themselves or with other people.

4-in-10 Are Involved In Communities

Only four in 10 U.S. adults told the survey that they were involved in a religious community like a church or another organization. “Many Americans say they have one of the following items for spiritual purposes: a cross (36%), jewelry (19%), a shrine, altar or icon in their home (15%), crystals (12%) or a tattoo or piercing (9%),” Pew noted. “Catholics are especially likely to own a cross: 72% say they have a cross for spiritual purposes, compared with 42% of Protestants.

“Meanwhile, 18% of U.S. adults who describe their religious identity as “nothing in particular” say they have a cross for spiritual purposes, as do very small shares of agnostics (6%), Jews (6%) and atheists (1%).” (TAKE A POLL: What Is the Most Pressing Political Issue Facing Our Country Today?)

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