

Russia said in September that it will not be discussing potentially signing a new treaty with the U.S. regarding strategic nuclear weapons.

The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) aims to replace an agreement that limits both Russia and the U.S. in their nuclear armament, according to Newsmax. The existing language “caps the number of strategic nuclear warheads that the United States and Russia can deploy, and the deployment of land- and submarine-based missiles and bombers to deliver them,” the outlet noted, adding that it expires in Feb. 2026.

Newsmax described the current treaty as the “last remaining pillar of nuclear arms control between the United States and Russia.” The Kremlin wants any new agreement to be broadened into other states. The move comes a year after Russian President Vladimir Putin suspended Russia’s participation in the agreement over American support of Ukraine. (POLL: Are You Confident in the Government’s Ability to Manage Economic Crises?)

“Sober” Look At Foreign Relations?

“Earlier this year, he (Putin) said that in view of the changed conditions, it is virtually impossible to discuss strategic offensive weapons, arsenals and so on, without taking into account the military nuclear infrastructure in Europe, without including European states in the negotiation process and without touching on other elements of strategic security, and that Russia will not do so,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted, according to Newsmax. (POLL: Is the Federal Minimum Wage Too Low?)

“We must take a sober look at the situation that has developed and, taking into account all the new aspects, organize the negotiation process. It seems to us that it would be at the very least unreasonable to insist on conducting such negotiations pretending that nothing has happened. Russia is not going to do that.”

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