Pastor and Project H.O.O.D founder Corey Brooks wrote a detailed op-ed in September, where he said “schools all over America are failing our kids.” His words were a message for parents.

Brooks noted how more than 40 schools, representing thousands of students, mostly throughout the Baltimore area, are failing their students in math, amongst other subjects. At least 23 schools reported that every single one of their students is failing math. “The government officials and educators simply do not care. They see the problems right in front of them but rarely do a few take the necessary actions to right the ship. It is sometimes stunning to see how they have no shame when it comes to failing kids — too many of them hide behind the excuse of this-is-white-supremacy’s-fault,” Brooks wrote in the op-ed.

“Then there are those who blame politicians. They say, if only you would stop voting Democrat! There are plenty of failing schools in GOP strongholds. My point here is that politicians are not the answer to this problem. They’re just politicians.” (TAKE A POLL: Is the Two-Party System Beneficial for American Democracy?)

What Is His Message For Parents?

“But what I don’t see here is enough families taking responsibility for their kids. There are parents out there who are outraged and challenging the system. But it is not enough. Where are the boycotts? Where are the shutdowns? Where are the marches around the schools?” Brooks continued.

“Some parents tell me they are trying to work within the system. I’ve seen them try — God bless them — but they haven’t gotten anywhere. They then get tired out or their kid graduates and they give up and the problem still remains.” (TAKE A POLL: Should College Education Be More Affordable For Students?)

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