

NEWSWEEK: More than a third of Americans have second jobs in 2024, with this number increasing to at least half for young Americans trying to start their adult lives in a dire economy.

“Roughly half (48 percent) of respondents ages 18-27 reported having side hustles—the highest of any age bracket—followed by millennials (44 percent), Generation X (33 percent) and baby boomers (23 percent), according to a survey that was not linked by the outlet.

This is called “the new normal” by experts, “And it’s becoming—fortunately or unfortunately—an accepted part of our culture, almost like a badge of honor for some,” they added. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Feel Confident About the Current State of the Economy?)

Some Stats Differ

Earlier in 2024, Fortune reported that 54% of Americans added a side hustle to their lives “to supplement their primary income” in the growing face of inflation. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Feel That Your Basic Needs (Food, Shelter, and Safety) Are Adequately Met?)

“Unsurprisingly, the younger generations are more economically vulnerable, and therefore more likely to turn to extra jobs. Gen Zers and their millennial elders were also handed a different set of cards than their more senior counterparts, as they deal with an uphill housing market, ill-time recessions, and a volatile economy that setback savings and inflated student loans. It all results in Gen Zers being the most likely to have two jobs (at 71%), followed by millennials at 68%, Gen Xers at 48%, and boomers at 32%.”

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