Abby Eckel, a mother of two, is refusing to send Christmas cards in 2024 because it is way too much for her “mental load” in the already hectic holiday season.

“I did it once — and it was the first and last time,” Eckles told TODAY in Dec. “Never again.” (READ MORE: Tips For Choosing & Caring For Your Christmas Tree)

“My husband asked me one year why we didn’t do Christmas cards and he has never asked me again since,” Eckles continued in a video shared on social media. “We had done Christmas cards one year and that was when our oldest was a baby and my husband was like, ‘Why don’t you ever do Christmas cards? You should do Christmas cards.’ I was like, ‘Yeah, I mean, it’s just cards, right? — why don’t you do the Christmas cards?’”

Her Reasoning …

“I said, ‘So then you can source the photographer and then you can find a date that aligns with her and with our schedules, and then you can decide on what kind of clothes we should all wear and the location and then you can pay her and then you can pick the edits and then you can find whatever website you want to use to print out the Christmas cards, choose which picture or pictures you want to put on there, what you’re going to say, then gather up everybody’s mailing addresses that you want to send them to —your side and mine — then go buy the envelopes for them, then address them, then go to the post office and get all the stamps that you’re going to need, then mail them out.’” (TAKE A POLL: Have You Started Your Holiday Shopping Yet?)

Eckles’ husband was apparently surprised by how much work goes into sending Christmas cards. “The mental load behind Christmas cards has never seemed worth it to me. Anybody that I would send a Christmas card to, I see regularly. If you don’t see me regularly, then you wouldn’t be getting a Christmas card from me to begin with. That is what the mental load of sending out Christmas cards is,” she concluded.

A majority of the comments were in strong support of Eckles.

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