A study conducted by Purdue in 2024 found the minimum amounts needed to “buy happiness” in 2024. Even though we truly believe money does not buy happiness, it was a pretty interesting study.

The minimum salary to make you happy in West Virginia is $89,460, according to Purdue/YahooFinance. Mississippi is just a little higher, at $91,035, close to Oklahoma’s $91,140. “Oklahoma’s cost of living is 13.2% below the national average, and the unemployment rate is 3%. While you do need over $91,000 to be happy, you can settle for emotional well-being at as little as $52,080,” YF wrote.

Similar values were given to most southern states, Iowa, South Dakota and Ohio. Things start to creep up when we get to Texas, where the minimum amount needed to buy happiness is $97,650. “Residents can find a state of emotional well-being for $55,800,” the outlet added.

Wisconsin & Up

For some reason, it costs $100,170 to be happy in Wisconsin, which may come as a surprise for some. “Plenty in the Badger State might view a salary of over $100,000 outside of what they can expect from their career, but that doesn’t mean they’re doomed to a life of being overworked,” YF continued. “For a state of emotional well-being, anywhere from $57,240 to $71,550 will suffice.”

North Carolina comes in just over Wisconsin, with $101,010 needed for joy. Again, you can be happy in N.C. for almost half the income of $57,720. (TAKE A POLL: Should Public Transportation Be Expanded in Urban Areas?)

The most expensive places to buy happiness are Hawaii, Massachusetts, California, New York, and Alaska. It is important to remember that these are some of the most beautiful places our planet has to offer, so it is a shame to know the politicians who run these places continue to make it so expensive to live or even visit there.

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