

A man from Wales, UK, recently published an article about how his life changed after cutting out ultra-processed foods and refined sugars.

Steffan Rhys lives in a country that puts far fewer unnatural chemicals in its food than the U.S., but he still felt four major positive changes from cutting British processed foods and refined sugars from his diet. “My initial motivation for cutting out ultra-processed food was to improve my health and manage my weight. But the more I learned, the more my motivation developed, to the point that I am now drawing as much motivation from not contributing to the profits of manipulative food corporations as I am from my own health,” Rhys wrote in the piece. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Think Christmas Is The Best Holiday For Food?)

Four Big Changes

Rhys found that, along with losing weight, restricting processed foods and refined sugars led him to find a whole new world of food and flavor combinations. Delving deeper into his understanding of food led him to an awareness about how food manufacturers use tricks to get us to overeat, he claims. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Enjoy Traveling During the Holidays?)

Thankfully, exercise is far easier now that he’s made this change. “For decades, food companies have invested heavily in the science that makes us want to eat more, from how a packet sounds when you open it to how a food feels in your mouth and that hyper-palatable taste which leaves you desperate for more.” Rhys continued. “You are literally being tricked into eating more. I’m not trying to take all the pleasure away from eating — but I refuse to have my health used for profit by the world’s biggest and richest food companies.”

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