An article published by Forbes (May, 2024) detailed how Gen Z are the worst generation to manage, according to hiring managers.

“Gen Z argue that they possess unique perspectives and skills that could be interpreted as healthier or more creative and productive. They push for greater flexibility, work-life balance and living healthier than the traditional ‘work-until-you-die’ labor styles of previous generations,” wrote Forbes, which is presumably what companies hate most about using humans to create their products and services.

When asked, hiring managers (45%) reported that Gen Z are the worst to manage when compared to Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers (with a small number saying that they were unsure of the worst generation to manage). (READ: RFK Jr. On Climate Change, Threats From Biden)

Impacts Of The Pandemic?

“Despite facing flak and making headlines for the wrong reasons in recent years, Gen Z brings tremendous value to the workplace,” Resume Genius lead career expert Eva Chan noted. “Even after spending over two years quarantining away from their peers, Gen Z has shown resilience by staying connected and effectively using available resources to establish themselves as competent contributors in today’s digital workforce.” (TAKE A POLL: Should Foreign Aid Be Reduced To Focus On Domestic Issues?)

“Gen Zers might have a bad rep, but they have the power to transform workplaces for the better,” Resume Genius senior hiring manager Geoffrey Scott wrote of this generation. “Gen Z has already shaken things up, but they’re not here to break things. They bring a unique blend of talent and bold ideas that can rejuvenate any workforce.”

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