An article published in September by REASON detailed why Vice President Kamala Harris’ plans for price controls are “stupid” and “dishonest.”

Back in 2023, when all Americans were starting to feel the initial pinch of skyrocketing inflation, wage stagnation, and concerns about the global economy, Harris said she was “proud” of the economy, according to J.D. Tuccille via Reason. “That is called Bidenomics, and we are very proud of Bidenomics,” she said at the time.

“When I am President, it will be a day one priority to bring down prices. I’ll take on big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging and corporate landlords that unfairly raise rents on working families,” Harris says today, despite having the power to make these changes right now — she is currently in power, remember? (TAKE A POLL: Do You Think Police Funding Should Be Increased?)

Government Blamed For High Prices?

“Inflation comes when aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply,” economist John Cochrane said in March. “The source of demand is not hard to find: in response to the pandemic’s dislocations, the US government sent about $5 trillion in checks to people and businesses, $3 trillion of it newly printed money, with no plans for repayment.”

“Fiscal stimulus boosted the consumption of goods without any noticeable impact on production, increasing excess demand pressures in good markets,” Federal Reserve Board of Governors said in July 2022. “As a result, fiscal support contributed to price tensions.” (TAKE A POLL: Should College Education Be More Affordable For Students?)

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