A report published Thursday (Oct .17) detailed how the state of Georgia will receive a huge amount of funding to support mental health in public schools.

“Students are six times more likely to get mental health support in our school when they’re offered in our schools than they’re going to get in the community. It’s really important that schools remain the hub, but we can’t keep asking our teachers to do more with less, which is what we’ve done historically in education. But we put a stop to that. We’re saying here more dollars for mental health support. $50 million in Georgia,” Secretary of Educational Miguel Cardona said while visiting Five Forks Middle School in Lawrenceville, according to Atlanta News First (ANF).

Cardona was speaking to a group of 7th-grade students, later leading a roundtable discussion with the kids, their teachers, administrators, and social workers. (TAKE A POLL: Did You or Do You Plan to Vote Early?)

How Will The Funding Work?

Gwinnett County is set to receive $19 million over the course of the next five years, all of which will go toward mental health care, ANF noted. A further $70 million was reportedly announced by the Department of Education to expand access to mental health care facilities and other services throughout the U.S.

Funding will come from YOU, the taxpayer, by way of the Safer Communities Act. The Act funds the Department of Education’s School-Based Mental Health Services and Mental Health Service Professionals Demonstration grant, “at a time of increased need,” the outlet wrote.

A total of 69 grants were awarded nationally. Offices report they intend to recruit and train at least 4,000 mental health professional across the country with this money. (TAKE A POLL: Is Voter ID Legislation Necessary to Prevent Fraud?)

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