The World Health Organization issued an alert in late August over the rampant spread of Oropouche virus throughout the Americas.

Similar in nature to Zika and Dengue fever, Oropouche (OROV) is spread through the bite of insects called midges. “In 2024, the number of reported Oropouche virus disease has increased in the WHO Region of the Americas, including in areas with no previously recognized history of Oropouche virus disease,” WHO wrote in their alert.

“Additionally, some countries have identified fatal infections and potential vertical transmission. As of 20 July 2024, a total of 8078 confirmed Oropouche cases, including two deaths, have been reported in the Region of the Americas, across five countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, and Peru. Brazil has also reported one fetal death and one miscarriage in the state of Pernambuco, as well as four cases of newborns with microcephaly possibly related to OROV infection.”

Emerging Disease

OROV is an emerging virus and hard to identify, meaning many cases or deaths might have been unreported or misdiagnosed as another similar illness. (TAKE A POLL: Is Faith Integral to Your Understanding of Ethics and Morality?)

The disease symptoms tend to start four to eight days after being bitten by an infected midge. The onset is described as “sudden, usually with fever, intense headache, joint stiffness, pain, chills, and sometimes persistent nausea and vomiting, for up to seven days. Up to 60% of cases have a relapse of symptoms after the fever stops. Most cases recover within seven days, however, in some patients, convalescence can take weeks. Severe clinical presentation is rare, but it may result in aseptic meningitis during the second week of the disease.”

WHO noted that there are currently no antiviral treatments available for the disease, nor is there a vaccine. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Support Increasing the Minimum Wage?)

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