A study published almost a year ago, in January 2024, found that 60% of Americans who make New Year’s Resolutions were aiming to increase their engagement in religious activities throughout the year.

“Those who already attend religious services at least weekly are overwhelmingly likely to say their resolution is to pray and attend services more,” the CBS News/YouGov poll found at the time. Roughly 47% of Americans felt hopeful going into the year, with the other leading resolutions for 2024 including improving personal health and well-being.

Becoming religiously engaged was ranked up there with acquiring new skills or hobbies, quitting bad habits, and spending more time with loved ones. (RELATED: Mom Attacked For Epic Christmas Savings & Support)

Bible Sales Boom

Bible sales boomed in 2024, largely amongst first-time buyers, according to Million Voices. “People are experiencing anxiety themselves, or they’re worried for their children and grandchildren,” Evangelical Christian Publishers Association president Jeff Crosby said of the stats. “It’s related to artificial intelligence, election cycles…and all of that feeds a desire for assurance that we’re going to be OK.”

“I’ve had Bibles that my mom gave me, but I felt I needed my own to start my own journey, that it symbolized I was starting a walk with God,” influencer Cely Vazquez said at the time. “I felt something was missing. It’s a combination of where we are in the world, general anxiety and the sense that meaning and comfort can be found in the Bible.” (READ: Wild Celebrity Christmas Gifts Will Shock You)

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