An article published in August described how Californians are reaction to Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s sudden crackdown on the homeless and mental illness epidemic plaguing their state.

Newsom issued an executive order in 2024 requiring state agencies to crackdown on homeless encampments on public property, according to NBC. This means hundreds of thousands of homeless people throughout the state of California now have a difficult task: finding somewhere to go, as Newsom’s plan didn’t account for this part of the process.

“It’s absolute mayhem and craziness,” said homeless Los Angeles woman Jeni Shurley. “I honestly feel like I need to leave the country, because I have so desperately searched the entire country trying to find some kind of a solution, literally gone coast to coast … I have done everything I can, every program that’s been offered … I’ve taken up on it, and I haven’t gotten any assistance that I need whatsoever. I feel like I’m just a rock in the river full of money and I can’t touch $1 of it.” (TAKE A POLL: Do You Believe Artificial Intelligence Will Create More Jobs Than It Eliminates?)

California Spends Billions To Help Few

Despite spending billions of American tax payer dollars to “fight” the homeless crisis, Newsom was never able to provide more than 71,000 shelter beds. This accounts for less than half of the underestimate 180,000 or more homeless people within his state.

“If the city is unable to provide emergency shelter to those who need and want shelter, then essentially, we are criminalizing the very act of being unhoused,” Mission Action director Laura Valdez said in a statement regarding San Francisco’s homeless population. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Support Universal Healthcare?)

“Simply having law enforcement performing campus sweeps, in my opinion, does nothing to deliver permanent and lasting results. It just shuffles the problem around, and that’s why my constituents want permanent results,” LA county supervisor Kathryn Barger said told the outlet.

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