A review published in Nov. claimed that Dallas Jenkins’ latest movie “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” may already be a seasonal classic.

“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” brings beloved 1972 book of the same title to life, following Grace Bradley (Judy Greer) as she tries to run her local Christmas pageant for the first time, according to Christianity Today’s Joseph Holmes. Grace and her family are then hit by the Herdmans — a notorious family around town, known colloquially as “the worst kids in the world.” They must decide what to do next. And SPOILER ALERT: apparently things go so well, we’re truly welcomed back into Christmas cheer.

The movie also boasts deeply Christian themes, such as lines like, “Jesus was born for the Herdmans as much as he was for us.” (POLL: Do You Love Holiday Food?)

Dallas Jenkins On Making The Film …

“For almost 20 years, [my wife] Amanda and I have hoped for, prayed for, and cried for the opportunity” to adapt the book to film, Jenkins wrote of the project. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Celebrate Christmas?)

““On the surface, it’s a comedy. It’s a Christmas classic. These kids from the wrong side of town who’ve never even heard the Christmas story before hijack the Christmas pageant, and everyone’s horrified, and you assume that it’s going to be the worst Christmas pageant ever because these kids who don’t know the story are taking over, and yet you realize, yes, the kids need the Jesus story,” Jenkins told Movieguide. “They hadn’t heard it before, and now they have, and it’s going to impact them. But the town and the church needed something too, and sometimes we, in our American evangelical world…can sometimes take the story for granted.”

The movie is now available via video-on-demand through Amazon Prime, Apple TV, and other providers.

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