A report published by Bloomberg Law in July stated that artificial intelligence (AI) will disrupt at least 92% of roles within the technology and communications sectors.

The statistic comes from an industry forecast shared with Bloomberg Government. Technology companies like Cisco Systems Inc., Alphabet, Google, Intel Corp, and others reveal AI will impact at least 47 different common positions within their companies, potentially leading to mass job loss throughout some of America’s top earners. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Feel Confident About the Current State of the Economy?)

Positions that revolved around tasks including the use of software, cloud, and product design engineers were transformed when done by AI. “It’s going to impact every single job role on some level,” said Cisco chief government strategy officer Jeff Campbell.

Learn New Skills

The report recommends that people who’ve probably gone into huge academic debt to get computer science degrees should just learn skills to avoid the disruption. Basically, these people need to learn how to use AI in order to not be made redundant by AI, which is the point of AI.

Most companies expect at least 37% of entry-level tech roles and 40% of mid-level roles will be significant disrupted by AI within the coming months and years. “Business and management employees—which include business analysts, marketing specialists, and customer service representatives—should learn how to prompt generative AI tools and analyze data, according to the report. Manual data cleaning and scheduling tasks will become less important,” Bloomberg wrote. (TAKE A POLL: Is it Okay For Religious Symbols to be in Public Spaces?)

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