An ongoing debate about the ancient archaeological site Gobekli Tepe erupted on social media in recent years, but came to something of a head in February after researcher Jimmy Corsetti dug into the perplexing situation happening at the site today.
Recent data from Gobekli Tepe — the oldest known complex megalithic site in the world — suggest initial studies of the landscape may have miscalculated its age, according to information shared by Corsetti. Despite only 10% of the site being excavated (at the time of writing), new data suggests it could be upwards of 15,000 years old. This would push back the initial dating of the site by upwards of 4,000 years!
The extensive arena could take more than 150 years to fully excavate, as it goes deep into the hillside in rural Turkey. While it was initially believed to be some type of ceremonial site, the discovery of living quarters changes this entirely. “My own personal belief as of today, is that this site was a time-capsule that was purposely buried with the intention of warning the future of historical catastrophic events that will one day happen again,” Corsetti wrote in another post.
Why So Much Drama?
It almost seems like people don’t want Gobekli Tepe investigated and understood by modern scientists. The reigning paradigm is that only hunter-gatherer populations existed at the time that the site was constructed. Given the complex nature of the design, along with the sheer scale of it, it’s clear to anyone with a dose of common sense that primitive humans did not build it.

What Next?
After sharing a video decrying the planting of trees around Gobekli Tepe — a potentially destructive act that can mitigate future research — authorities in Turkey started cutting them down, proving that when you use your voice to change the status quo, good things can happen! Corsetti’s dedication to the pursuit of understanding our past could indeed unlock the doors to our future, but only if Big Science stops dictating what we’re allowed to know. (Are You a fan of President Trump’s Cabinet? — Take Our Poll & Let Us Know)
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