This article was originally published by Million Voices.
“The Chosen” star Jonathan Roumie joined Tucker Carlson for a conversation on March 5 to promote their seemingly joint venture with the Hallow App, and explore their Christian faith together.
Lent started last Wednesday (March 5), and as we’re through the first weekend of fasting, prayer, and exploring this next chapter in our faith, why not learn a little more about how others protect and practice this sacred time in our calendar. Tucker’s lengthy conversation with Roumie is exactly that.
The conversation starts with a detailed and emotional (on the part of Roumie) explanation of his journey to playing Jesus Christ in the Dallas Jenkins-created series “The Chosen.” The weight of playing Jesus clearly leans heavy on Roumie, but he manages to peacefully and somewhat humbly make his way through this path.
In all fairness though, what choice does he have? God put Roumie here to portray his one and only Son. That’s just that. (USE YOUR VOICE: Are You a fan of President Trump’s Cabinet?)
The Power Of Lent
Roumie described how Lent is more than just giving up chocolate or something you like for 40 days and nights. During Lent, he’ll give himself smaller challenges along with those related to fasting and prayer. He’ll often give up meat, especially on Fridays.
“Any kind of obstacles or challenges that seem insurmountable, fast. Fast about it. Pray and fast about it, and see what the Lord can do with that and with your heart because then it’s what you’re doing is you’re opening up your heart,” Tucker emphasized. “You know, it’s not about, well, if I do this exactly x, y, and z… I mean, that Jesus’ whole thing, issue with the Pharisees, you know, you cleanse the outside of a cup, but then the stuff that’s already inside you is just rotten. Your thoughts and your heart is rotten. So it doesn’t matter that you wash your hands before you eat this and you eat that.”
“I’m reading Matthew right now. I’m really struck this time by the intensity of his rage at the Pharisees. Like, he doesn’t… he’s pretty gentle with everybody else, like, literally including, like, the Roman officer,” he adds later in the interview.
Spiritual Awareness
“You know, in the Christian life, it’s becoming aware of your faults and the way that you’ve hurt people or hurt yourself even. And if the body is truly a temple of the Lord, a reflection of the creation and of the creator, God, and you’re hurting yourself, then it’s like an affront to God, which is why things like gluttony are sinful. But it also dulls you. It’s like a long headache or, you know, three beers or something. It keeps you from experiencing anything beyond yourself kind of,” Roumie added. ” …It puts cheesecloth over your soul.”
You can listen to the full interview on X by clicking here.
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