Countless celebrities credit Allen Carr’s “Easyway” method with their success in quitting smoking. Back in summer 2024, Carr’s website released a blog detailing 10 tips to help YOU quit — here’s what he had to say:
- Set your date to quit smoking
- Look forward to it
- Have a final cigarette
- Be cool about withdrawal symptoms
- Socialize as normal
- Think about smoking
- Know that there is no such thing as “just one” cigarette after your quit
- Avoid substitutes
- Ditch your cigarettes
- Enjoy your freedom
Too Easy?
Did you know that more than 70% of smokers say they wish they were non-smokers? Carr thinks the rest just don’t admit it. Admitting that you hate smoking (as a smoker) is one of the first steps in realizing your freedom from this debilitating habit. (POPULAR POLL: Are You Cutting Back On Sugar This Year?)
“The physical withdrawal is very slight and passes quickly,” Carr says of the quitting process. “Your body will continue to withdraw from nicotine for a few days but that doesn’t mean you have to be miserable or crave cigarettes … What’s more, it’s what vapers and smokers suffer all their smoking lives. Non-smokers do not suffer it. You are a non-smoker and so you’ll soon be free of it forever.”
Changing Your Mindset
Another core aspect of Carr’s method is reframing personal conversations about smoking. Instead of telling yourself, “I want a cigarette but I can’t have one,” you must instead say, “isn’t it marvelous: I don’t need to smoke anymore and I don’t want to smoke anymore.”
“There is good evidence … [that Allen Carr’s Easyway] is effective in helping people to quit smoking,” the World Health Organization says of his work. (RELATED ARTICLE: Man Says Cutting Out Sugar, Processed Foods Did 4 Things For Him)
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