

New York State lost another major battle against the Second Amendment Thursday (Oct. 10).

U.S. District Court John Sinatra, Jr. said that a new enacted state law that seeks to ban licensed firearm owners from carrying concealed weapons on all private property, is “unconstitutional,” according to Fox News. “At least as to private property open to the public (the subject of this motion), New York’s restriction is unconstitutional,” Sinatra Jr. wrote in his ruling.

“Regulation in this area is permissible only if the government demonstrates that the new enactment is consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of sufficiently analogous regulations,” he continued. “New York fails that test here.” (TAKE A POLL: Should the Government Provide Financial Support to Struggling Industries?)

Property Owners vs. The State

Sinatra was explicit in that he believes “property owners have a right to exclude legal gun owners from carrying firearms on their property,” Fox wrote.

“But the state may not unilaterally exercise that right and, thereby, interfere with the long-established Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens who seek to carry for self-defense on private property open to the public,” Sinatra continued. (TAKE A POLL: Is the Two-Party System Beneficial for American Democracy?)

A similar situation occurred in early 2024, when Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) filed a federal lawsuit in the Northern District of New York to “challenging the state’s blanket ban on out-of-state residents being able to obtain a concealed carry permit or to have New York honor out-of-state permits,” according to the GOA.

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