

In July 2024, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said he thinks term limits for the U.S. Supreme Court justice are not a good idea, but he’d be open to considering them if term limits for Congressional members are part of the same package.

“If they’re willing to support term limits for members of Congress that would be a trade that I would make,” DeSantis said at the time, according to the Tallassee Democrat. His comments came after President Joe Biden proposed setting 18-year term limits on justices instead of the current lifetime appointment. (TAKE A POLL: Do You Think Police Funding Should Be Increased?)

“DeSantis said he suspects the proposals stem more from Biden’s frustration with recent court decisions than a desire to reform the bench,” the outlet noted. Biden also wanted to include a clause that would allow the president to be criminally charged while in office.

Term Limits Face ‘Challenging Constitutional Path’

“Since 1787, just 27 amendments have been added to the Constitution. The most recent amendment, the 27th Amendment, became part of the Constitution in 1992; it bars Congress from changing its pay rate during its two-year term. This amendment was actually proposed in September 1789 and revived after a grassroots campaign started in the 1980s,” says Constitution Center. (TAKE A POLL: Should College Education Be More Affordable For Students?)

“The debate over terms limits involves competing concepts. Supporters believe the mandatory changing of elected representatives in Congress would better represent the electorate, while opponents think that experienced representatives would make better policy decisions and reduce the influence of lobbyists over inexperienced officials.”

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