

The U.S. has two major political parties: Republican and Democrat. 

Contrary to their names, both parties operate under the banner of democracy in words only. In reality, America operates as a constitutional federal republic. This means the governmental operations are based on a Constitution, the supreme law of the nation. “In the 1790s and early 1800s, senators divided into rival parties based on support of and opposition to the policies of presidents George Washington and John Adams, especially regarding foreign relations with Great Britain and France and the role of the federal government,” according to History.com. (TAKE A POLL: Is Climate Change Primarily Caused By Human Activity?)

“Party labels were very fluid at this time, but for the most part supporters of Washington and Adams adopted the label Federalists, while the opposition, led by Thomas Jefferson, became known as Democratic Republicans (many preferred the one-word label, Republicans). The Federalists largely represented New England and Mid-Atlantic states, while the Democratic Republicans were dominant in the South.”

Today? The Parties Are Very Different

Still, America operates as a democratic republic. You get to choose who you vote in as president, right? Well, sort of. (POLL: Should the United States Withdraw From International Agreements That Are Not Beneficial?)

In reality, after “you cast your ballot for president, your vote goes to a statewide tally. In 48 states and Washington, D.C., the winner gets all the electoral votes for that state. Maine and Nebraska assign their electors using a proportional system,” according to USA.gov. “A candidate needs the vote of at least 270 electors—more than half of all electors—to win the presidential election.”

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